March 2, Sunday: Parish Assembly at the Church / 12:00pm
March 5, Wednesday: Lenten Evening Service at 7:00pm
March 9, Sunday: Students will sing at the church choir / Children’s Sermon ( Topic: The Commandment of God )
March 12, Wednesday: Lenten Evening Service at 7:00pm
March 14, Friday: FAMILY NIGHT EVENT at 7:00PM
March 19, Wednesday: Lenten Evening Service at 7:00pm
March 23, Sunday: Students’ Choir Practice with Der Martiros
March 23, Sunday: FAR / Sara’s Presentation at the Hekimian Hall at 12:15pm
March 23 - 26: Diocesan Clergy Retreat in Boston MA
March 29, Saturday: Women’s Guild Tea Party at 3:00pm
April 2, Wednesday: Lenten Evening Service at 7:00pm
April 6, Sunday: Students’ Choir Practice with Der Martiros
April 11, Friday: FAMILY NIGHT EVENT at 7:00PM
April 13, Sunday: Palm Sunday / St. Kevork ACYOA DAY and Blessing Service
April 17, Thursday: Holy Thursday / Washing of the feet service and Khavarum
April 18, Friday: Holy Friday Evening Service / TAPOR around the Church
April 19, Saturday: Holy Saturday / Jragalooytse Patarag
April 20, Sunday: EASTER / NO SCHOOL / Egg Hand Event TBA
April 27, Sunday: Armenian Genocide and Holy Martyrs Service at the Church / Students will sing at the choir and will take Holy Communion, Children’s Sermon ( Topic: We as Armenian Christians )